
Treatment Methods

Once prostate cancer has been detected, treatment is planned taking into account disease-related factors (stage, prevalence) and patient-related factors (general condition, age, additional diseases).

Form of Treatment of Prostate Cancer Outside Surgery Possible Manager?

Treatment of prostate cancer; It can be arranged in the form of surgery, radiotherapy and hormonotherapy. Considering the conditions and general condition of the patient, the form of treatment is determined.

Which is the Favorite Treatment Form Today in Prostate Cancer Cases?

Today, prostate cancer can be detected in the early stage with increased use of screening tests. The most commonly used treatment in early stage (local) prostate cancer that has not spread to the environment is surgical treatment. It can be combined with hormone therapy or radiotherapy if necessary.

Active Tracking

Prostate cancer progresses slowly in Stage 1, sometimes with no symptoms or causing health complaints. Your doctor monitors the progression of cancer at this stage by methods such as PSA value, rectal examination and ultrasound. At the same time, the risk of tumor spread (scoring) is evaluated.

In active monitoring, the aim is to closely monitor patients who are progressing slowly and found to be low risk, without losing the chance of treatment when necessary. In this way, a group of patients is prevented from receiving unnecessary treatment.


The nanocnife (nanonayf read) method has begun to be used in the treatment of small volume low-risk prostate cancers called clinically meaningless tumors. This method, which is also applied in some liver and pancreatic tumors, is also applied safely in the treatment of prostate cancer.

In the nanocnife method, 3-4 special electrodes are placed around the tumor in the prostate with the help of ultrasound, and these electrodes are sequentially at a very high dose (such as 3000 volts-50 amps); however, short-term electric current is given. An electromagnetic field is formed in this region, and cell wall permeability increases permanently. In this way, tumor cells lose their vitality.

Since this method does not cause heat change in tissues, it can also be applied to tumors close to nerves and urethra (tube-shaped structure that opens out of the bladder and passes through the prostate).

Patients to be treated with this method should be chosen well. It is a treatment method that can normally be used for the group of patients with active monitoring.

Since only cancerous cells are destroyed in the post-processing prostate, there is a risk of developing cancer from another part of the prostate tissue. If such a condition develops, curative (surgery, radiotherapy) treatment is planned for the patient. In other words, this method ensures that this treatment is postponed as much as possible in patients who may need curative treatment. In this way, it is aimed to postpone some side effects that may arise from curative treatments.

Thus, instead of taking “random”parts as in classical biopsies,”targeted” is performed directly from the suspicious focus. Since the exact location of the tumor or suspect focus can be found, it may be sufficient to take fewer samples with this method instead of taking a large number of parts.

Fusion biopsy administration can be done in two methods. One of them is the transperineal method made by entering the skin in the perineal region. This method can be done with general or local anesthesia.

The other method is the transrectal method made by entering from the rectum. This method can also be done with local anesthesia.

Surgical Treatment in Prostate Cancer - Radical Prostatectomy

In the treatment of prostate cancer that does not spread, it is the surgical removal of the prostate. This surgery is called radical prostatectomy surgery. 10-year disease-specific survival rates of patients with low-grade tumors who have undergone a radical prostatectomy operation are over 90%.

It is important not to damage the urinary structures and protect the nerves while removing the prostate.

What is the Function of the Surgeon in Robotic Surgery?

When called robotic surgery, he has a false blood that the surgery was done by the robot. However, the person performing the surgery is not the robot, but the surgeon himself.

What Robotic Surgery Means?

Robotic surgery is that laparoscopic (closed) surgeries are performed under a 3D image with the help of a robot named “da Vinci”. Many surgeries that can be performed laparoscopic (urological, general surgery, gynecology, etc.). can be done by this method.

What is the Difference of Robotic Surgery from Open Surgery?

In the traditional open surgical method, a 15 cm incision is made under the patient’s belly. Open surgery has many difficulties for both the patient and the surgical team.

Late recovery time after operation, long hospital stay, risk of wound infection and a large scar can be counted as the difficulties of this surgery on behalf of the patient.

Due to the shortness of the surgical field, the difficulties that can be counted in the name of the surgical team due to the insufficient hand movements and the lack of a good field of view and the increase in complication rates.

Robotic surgery is a form of surgery performed by properly placing a robot called Da Vinci on the patient and guiding the arms of this robot by the console surgeon from the control unit called the console. Its general principles are similar to laparoscopic surgery.

Thanks to the fine structure of the operating arms used in robotic surgery, the mobility, the principle of anti-vibration work and the advanced image systems of the robotic system, the structures in the neighborhood close to the prostate during prostate surgery were more comfortable. Thus, the possibility of complications during surgery is minimized, blood loss is reduced and surgery time is shortened.

After surgery, it is observed that health problems that greatly affect social life, such as decreased pain, decreased recovery time, loss of sexual function in the later period, and constant urinary incontinence.

No matter what technique the surgery is done, there are stages that require attention during prostate cancer surgery with robotic surgery.

The main purpose here can be listed as removing the prostate in a way that does not leave cancerous tissue behind, protecting the nerves that maintain sexual function, and not damaging the structures that provide urine while removing the prostate.

What are the Complications of Prostate Cancer Surgery with Robotic Surgery?

Anatomical settlement with prostate tissue is very close to structures that provide erection and urination. For this reason, the most important complications of prostate surgery are postoperative erection loss and urinary incontinence (incontinence).

The main purpose in prostate surgery with robotic surgery can be listed as removing the prostate in a way that does not leave cancerous tissue behind, protecting the nerves that maintain sexual function, and not damaging the structures that provide urine while removing the prostate.

“Mesane Protective Technique” has been described in robotic prostate surgeries with the introduction of an anatomical plan between the bladder and the prostate. Urinary incontinence rates have decreased in postoperative patients with this technique.

What is the Function of the Surgeon in Robotic Surgery?

When called robotic surgery, he has a false blood that the surgery was done by the robot. However, the person performing the surgery is not the robot, but the surgeon himself.


Radiotherapy (ray therapy) is the treatment of cancer disease using radiation. The purpose of radiotherapy is to kill cancerous cells or prevent them from splitting and reproducing, with as little harm as possible to the normal tissue.

Radiotherapy is a local treatment method, similar to surgical methods; It also shows its effect where the side effect is applied. Radiotherapy in localized prostate cancer can be used as a curative treatment method, but also as a palliative (for relieving complaints such as pain) or tumor burden treatment in patients spread across the prostate neighboring organs (local advanced) and distant organs (metastatic).

Kemo-Hormono Therapy

In the advanced stages of prostate cancer, the disease can be detected as spread to neighboring tissues and distant organs, not limited to the prostate. Drug treatments are preferred because surgical methods are insufficient in this phase of the disease.

Since prostate tissue is an organ sensitive to masculinity hormone testosterone, drugs (anti-androgen) that inhibit the effect of testosterone are used in this stage of the disease. This treatment is called hormoneotherapy (hormone therapy).

Chemotherapy is planned for patients who are unanswered or resistant to this treatment. In this way, it has been demonstrated by scientific studies in which patients with advanced prostate cancer can also be extended.

What are the Side Effects of Radiotherapy?

Side effects of radiotherapy usually begin in the early days, not in the early days, as the dose increases. It will not always occur, but it may vary according to people.

Some of the general side effects are irritation (discomfort) and fatigue on the skin. Radiation therapy used in prostate cancer can cause erectile dysfunction (hardening disorder) and incontinence (non-stability). Apart from that, there are some situations where frequent urination and bleeding in the urine can be seen.

Prostate Cancer

General Promotion

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men. It ranks second in cancer-related deaths. The prostate is a secretory organ found in men, approximately the size of a walnut, settled under the bladder, producing various secretions for breeding activities.

Prostate cancer occurs as some cells that make up the prostate tissue form tumor structures by showing an abnormal course. Cancers can develop from only part of the prostate, as well as in multiple parts.

This disease, which is usually seen over the age of 65, may not give any symptoms in its early stages. But if left untreated, it can grow over time, putting pressure on the urinary tract. Some complaints about urinating occur in such patients.

In some patients who are late in diagnosis and treatment, cancerous tissues may not be limited in the prostate but spread to surrounding tissues.

Diagnostic Methods

Today, there is no early diagnosis method that reveals that a healthy man will have prostate cancer.

Increased age and genetic predisposition are risk factors revealed in prostate cancer. In the light of these risk factors, patients are tested for early diagnosis.

Prostate cancer screening is recommended in men who do not have a family history of prostate cancer, while screening for prostate cancer at an earlier age is recommended in those with a family history of prostate cancer.

The methods used for screening are finger rectal examination (for prostate) and blood test and PSA measurement.

PSA Test and Prostate Examination in the Diagnosis of Cancer

Prostate cancer can be diagnosed early with the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test, which is looked after by the blood sample. Early diagnosis of prostate cancer is important for increased treatment opportunities.

PSA may be high after bengin prostatic hyperplasia – BPH (prostate growth), prostatitis (prostate inflammation), sexual intercourse, biopsy, rectal prostate examination, urinary tract infection, urinary tract attempts (prostate inflammation) and surgeries.

For this reason, the height of PSA does not mean that it is cancer, and its low may be insufficient to rule out cancer. For this reason, PSA testing can be supported by prostate examination in screening and diagnosis of prostate cancer. Patients suspected of prostate cancer as a result of these tetcics may be given some additional tetcics for diagnosis of prostate cancer

Multiparametric MR

It is a imaging method that can support diagnosis in patients with suspected prostate cancer. Cancer cells and tissues have a different image than healthy tissues, with some features such as increased cell density and bleeding. In this way, it is possible that they can be displayed with multiparametric MR.

In addition, with Multiparametric MR, whether the tumor exceeds the prostate capsule and possible lymph node splashes can be detected. These MR images can also be used as a guide when performing a prostate biopsy on the patient.

Prostate Biopsy

The process of taking tissue or cell parts from any part of the body is called a biopsy to examine under a microscope and perform various tests.

Examples from different parts of the prostate are also taken in the prostate biopsy. In the standard prostate biopsy, random parts are taken from the prostate with the help of a special device placed in the rectum under local anesthesia. Then, pathological examinations look at whether there are cancerous cells in these tissues.

With the development of technology, new biopsy methods have been developed, thereby increasing diagnostic accuracy rates. Prostate biopsy is used to diagnose prostate cancer and to determine whether the tumor is fast and aggressive.

The process of taking tissue or cell parts from any part of the body is called a biopsy to examine under a microscope and perform various tests.

Examples from different parts of the prostate are also taken in the prostate biopsy. In the standard prostate biopsy, random parts are taken from the prostate with the help of a special device placed in the rectum under local anesthesia. Then, pathological examinations look at whether there are cancerous cells in these tissues.

With the development of technology, new biopsy methods have been developed, thereby increasing diagnostic accuracy rates. Prostate biopsy is used to diagnose prostate cancer and to determine whether the tumor is fast and aggressive.

Standard Prostate Biopsy

The prostate biopsy is performed with automatic biopsy needles, accompanied by a special ultrasound via the breech path. Biopsy processes performed in this way are generally done with local anesthesia and do not require any hospitalization.

During this process, ultrasound guidance ensures that biopsy is taken from the desired regions. If the cause of the PSA height cannot be illuminated, if the PSA continues to rise or is suspicious as a result of a prostate biopsy, it may be necessary to repeat the biopsy.

MR-Ultrasound Fusion Biopsy

In this method, the patient’s previously taken multiparametric MR images can be transferred to the ultrasound device with a prostate biopsy, determining the exact location of the tumor.

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