In our world, where change and transformation are inevitable, socio-cultural values are changing day by day, and the demands of both male and female patients for dermo cosmetic procedures are increasing. Expectations from aesthetic applications also differ in this process.

Today, patients’ expectations in all aesthetic and dermo cosmetic procedures are; applications can be done quickly even during coffee breaks or lunch breaks, their effects last long, they are reliable and modern, after the application, they return to work and daily life, namely, fast return to social life, as few as possible side effects.

For this purpose, the methods that have been defined as “Aesthetic Treatments” in the last years, without requiring general anesthesia, operating room conditions, hospital admissions, and the results that have been achieved have become more frequently asked.

You can shorten and lengthen the length of your nose with rhinoplasty, in other words, nasal aesthetics. You can change its edges and shape, and correct deformities such as pits and bumps.

If you are planning a nose aesthetic operation, your surgeon will help you decide which shape is most suitable for the structure of your face. The upper part of the nose consists of bone and the lower part consists of cartilage. Both cartilage and bone can be shaped by nose aesthetics.

With rhinoplasty; 

  1. The nose can strengthen your belt
  2. You can reshape your nose
  3. You can change the size of your nose
  4. You can change the angle between your nose and lip.

In addition, with rhinoplasty, you can correct and restore your distorted nose structure after an injury. In addition, in some congenital disorders, when the nasal structure does not develop properly or in cases where the nasal structure causes respiratory problems, nasal aesthetic surgery can be performed.

Faq about Rhinoplasty

What should be done before Rhinoplasty?

Before deciding on a rhinoplasty surgery, you should consult your doctor about whether you are eligible for this surgery. In some conditions, nasal surgery may not be possible or may be delayed.

Medical history: Your doctor will want to get information about the diseases and surgical operations you have had before. For example, if you are using drugs that cause bleeding tendency, your medicines should be arranged before surgery. Or if you have a bleeding disorder such as hemophilia, you may not be able to have a nose surgery.

Physical examination and laboratory tests: Your doctor will undergo a complete physical examination before making a nose surgery decision. It will thoroughly examine the structures inside and outside your nose. It will observe the positions of your bones and cartilage and the shape of your skin and the general structure of your face. A physical examination is important for your doctor to understand how the future structure of your nose should be. Shaping nose aesthetics preoperatively accordingly will reduce dissatisfaction after surgery.

Evaluation of expectations: Your doctor will ask you about your expectations. Your doctor will tell you what you can look like after the surgery.

You should avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin before rhinoplasty surgery. These medications can cause excessive bleeding during surgery. Use only medicines prescribed by your doctor.

Who is a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

People who have congenital or acquired deformities that cause by previous trauma or surgery.

What will be the most frequent changes after the surgery?

The reduction of the nose arch, the shortening of the nose length, the more pronounced and slightly elevated tip, and the correction of the curvature of the nose.

What is the minimum age for rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty can be done at the age of 17 in men, and 16 in women, where parental approval is compulsory for patients under the age of 18.

What are the points to take into consideration before the surgery?

It is important for you to submit your general health conditions before the surgery, to avoid situations that will negatively affect your overall health and the result of the surgery. The current medication information is also required, including routine vitamin usage, drinking or smoking habits.

Breast Augmentation.
Beyond being just an organ for women, the fact that it is seen as a symbol of femininity in human history increases the importance of breast aesthetics. Breast implant is one of the operations with the most satisfaction among aesthetic surgeries. The ideal size of the breast and the location that it should be increases the confidence of our female patients.

Breast tissue, starting from adolescence, passes some stages of development and reaches the required dimensions at the end of puberty. The hereditary or acquired reasons and the fact that this development is not enough, and the size of the breast shrinks due to postpartum or weight loss causes the need for breast augmentation surgeries.

Today, the most accurate and reliable result in breast augmentation surgeries is made using silicone breast prostheses. There are two types of silicone breast prostheses we use for these surgeries. These are fluff and drop (anatomical implant) implants. The type and size of the implant will be decided according to the size of the patient’s breast and the patient’s pre-operation. Fluff implants provide more fullness at the top of the breast, while drop (anatomical) implants can provide a more natural breast image.

Faq about Breast Augmentation

Does breast augmentation provide breast lift?

Please consider that breast augmentation surgery is not a breast lifting surgery. Breast augmentation will fill the inside of the breast to make it appear as if the breast is relatively more upright.

What will be the process and how long it takes?

Breast implants can be placed under the breast tissue, under the lining of the chest muscle (under the fascia) or under the chest muscle. It is decided on which plan it will be placed according to the amount of breast tissue of the patient before the surgery. No matter which area it is placed in, the breast prosthesis is not placed inside the breast, but under the breast, so the implant is not actually inside your breast. Therefore, it does not prevent our patients from giving milk if they give birth after surgery.

The operation duration is 40 to 45 minutes under general anesthesia in hospitals that comply international standards, with intensive care units.

What do we decide before breast surgery?

1 – Desired nozzle cup size – The cup is an important criterion for breast volume selection.

2 – Surgery incision placement – Silicone breast implants can be placed under the breast, the nipple or the armpit.

3 – Implant level – It is possible to place the breast implants under the muscle, fascia or breast tissue considering with thickness or thinness of the breast tissue.

Am I going to have pain after the surgery?

In case of placing the breast implant under the muscles, there will be some pain depending on the weight. This pain is getting lower usually within 5 days. Regular painkillers can be used before bedtime and after breakfast.

What are the recommendations for wound care after the surgery?

Surgical incision is used to close the site, and the protective tapes will be kept for 3-4 days. Cleaning can be performed over this tape with lodine-based cleaners . The dry and clean protection of the incision site is needed during 2-3 weeks, for the quick recovery.

When we say facelift, we can see that these yarns (meltable and non-meltable) have been used since ancient times in general and aesthetic surgery. The special yarns used in the facelift – hanging method with the ropes are actually the same as the yarns used in surgery, but it is extremely important that they are made without cutting and suturing the skin under local anesthesia without requiring hospitalization conditions (under sterilization conditions).

On the other hand, being conscious about the patient, being able to see the application and results instantly with a mirror, and being able to participate in the evaluation at every stage of the application with the doctor support a much more special situation.

Our aim in face-lifting is to pull the facial or body tissues upwards to normal anatomical areas. The application is based on the foundation of the threads under the skin with special needles. Local anesthesia is sometimes simplified and increases the comfort of face anesthesia, sometimes with creams and sometimes with the needles at the application points (dental needles – needles used in dentistry).

Faq about Facelift

Can facelift be applied in other treatments?

Yes, other applications such as laser, lipolysis (fat melting), botox and filler can be applied, if necessary, during or after application of the method.

Which age is suitable for facelift?

Face lift-hanging method with ropes is generally ideal for people who are 30-60 years old who do not have very dense tissue sagging and deep facial lines.

How long is the application time?

The application time is 30-45 minutes, even for the entire face. Therefore, it can be applied even during periods such as lunch break or weekend.

Liposuction is not a weight loss surgery. It provides shaping by removing the fat tissue under the skin and with the settlement of the uppermost skin on this region. The better skin elasticity gives the better surgery results.

Too much fat removing in liposuction does not mean good results. Taking into consideration the body proportions, it is aimed to make it as smooth as possible. Liposuction, which does not exceed 5-6% of the body weight, reduces the risks of possible complications.

Different technologies are used to liquefy adipose tissue. In classical liposuction, the adipose tissue is mechanically divided into tiny pieces by cannulas and liquefied, then absorbed and taken out of the body. In laser liposuction, fat is broken and then absorbed by a cannula that emits a laser beam. In modern approaches (VASER Liposuction) using ultrasonic sound waves, adipose tissue is broken down by ultrasonic sound waves.

Faq about Liposuction

Who is Eligible for Liposuction?

Despite following a proper diet, sports and lifestyle, liposuction is an appropriate treatment approach for people with excess fat in undesirable areas. At this point, it should be known that liposuction is not a weight loss method. It is used for shaping in people who have fatty tissue excesses such as abdomen, waist and hip.

How Is Liposuction Process Performed?

In this process, which is carried out in a very large number all over the world, the adipose tissue in the targeted area can be made liquid by different methods. In this way, the oil becomes easily absorbed and the oil is taken out of the body with the help of thin cannulas.

Where can liposuction process be applied?

Neck – food, arms, abdomen-belly, waist, back, buttocks, legs and knees are often among the areas where liposuction can be used for body shaping.

Will there be traces after liposuction procedure?

One of the issues that people who want to have the application wonder the most is whether there will be a trace after the procedure. During the procedure, it is made with the help of non-sharp metal thin pipes called cannula for degreasing. Cannulas are passed under the skin through thin incisions on the skin that do not exceed 0.5 cm. When the recovery is completed after the procedure performed in this way, there is no obvious scar.

What is VASER Liposuction, how is it applied?

Vaser® (vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance) technology, which is one of the moodiest liposuction methods today, is based on ultrasonic sound vibrations and fat cells breaking down. Fat tissue in the areas to be liposuction is melted with very thin metal cannulas that produce ultrasonic sound waves through small incisions (0.5cm) on the skin. Then, the melted fats are taken out of the body through thin cannulas.

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